In the Name of Almighty God, The Merciful, The Compassionate

بسم لله الرحمان الرحيم

Salaam Aleikum (Peace be with you)! I hope you may gain some insight from my work here. Remember, I'm not a scholar and don't claim to be. I only claim to be a person who has a passion for both Islam and this great republic in which I live and wish to share my thoughts with others. Remember that anything good you find in this blog is from Allah, and anything wrong or bad is from my own flawed self.

!!!please make sure to sign up on my followers list at the bottom of the page!!!

The Holy Ka'aba

The Holy Ka'aba
The House of God built by Abraham (peace be upon him)

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance
take out the 9th line, and it would be haram (forbidden) to say this.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

60 years of Oppression and Exploitation

بسم لله الرحمان الرحيم
In the name of Almighty God, the most gracious, the most merciful. All praise be to God. I praise him, I seek his guidance, and I beg his forgiveness. I seek refuge in Him from the evil within myself and the evil of my deeds. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Almighty God, and I bear witness that Muhammad, is the slave and messenger of God.
People who know me, know that generally I avoid engaging in political talk and rhetoric. However, as many know, this past week, on the 14th of May, the world recognized the 60th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel. For the Palestinian people, it means 60 years of oppression of exploitation.
This is nothing more than my personal remembrance, and a call for others to remember the plight of the Palestinian people. May almighty God alleviate there pain and suffering, and may Almighty God guide them to retain their faith in Islam to the utmost degree, so that they do not transgress limits because of anger, and may Almighty God guide the Israelis away from committing the same crimes that were committed against their parents and grandparents in Europe, and may He guide them towards recognizing the evil of Zionism, to recognize their Palestinian neighbors, both Christian and Muslim, as fellow human beings and believers in the same loving, and just God.
...And Allah Knows Best...

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